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Monday, March 8, 2010

What is YOUR CaPaCiTY to EARN? - RE-RE-ViSiTeD...


The GREAT Edward here,

Hope everyone is doing Phenomenal on this Amazing Day!

This is the ThiRD Installment the serious of posts on YOUR CaPaCiTY to EARN!

If the First One What is YOUR CaPaCiTY to EARN? we discussed:

"You will only earn income to the degree that you can be replaced"

In the Second Installment What is YOUR CaPaCiTY to EARN? - RE-ViSiTeD... we discussed:

"The Role that Value Plays"

In this post I want to take a look at the second component which is InFluence.

Let's start by defining InFluence as ... "The Ability to Obtain Followers."

There were many People of InFluence in this world such as...

Martin Luther King Jr., Winston Churchill, JFK, Jesus and even Hitler.

Each of these People had the Ability to Obtain Followers.

(whether for the purpose of good or not we can leave for another post :-)

Some interesting points about InFluence:

1. Everyone in this world InFluences someone...

2. We never know Who or How Much we InFluence others round us... and

3. It is a skill that can be developed.

So, let's look for a moment at the Idea of Success.

How do you Measure Success in your areas of your life?

In your Business?

Well, that's easy... RIGHT?

Business = $$$ (The amount of money I earn)

Is this the TRUE Measure of Success?

It seems like Something is Missing....

Check this out...

If your Business Disappeared or went away Tomorrow...

What would you do?

How would you recover?

How long would it take?

Hmmmm...... Interesting Questions???

I have come to realize that People partner with People in Business.

And They are People that They Know, Like, and Trust.

This is where I see InFluence comes in.

To have true Success that will last beyond any Business you MUST have InFluence.

The ability to lead others along Your Direction towards Your Vision!

So next time you think of measuring the success in your business, ask the question...

How is my InFluence rather than How Big is my Pay Check...

Share your thoughts below!


God Bless,
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